[Survey results] What is the withdrawal rate when there is no desired payment methods on the EC site?


With the spread of smartphones and PCs, more people are purchasing from EC sites, and online payments have become common. However, there are various needs for payment methods depending on the age, gender, and lifestyle of the customer. We conducted a questionnaire survey on what to do if the customer has reached the EC site and does not have the most used payment methods. The target audience is those who use product sales sites such as fashion, cosmetics, groceries, and medical products, and those who use digital contents such as e-books, video viewing services, and games. In this column, we will explain the results obtained from the questionnaire survey and introduce payment methods, which should be introduced with the highest priority.


[By industry] For product sales sites such as fashion, cosmetics, groceries, and medical products

We conducted a questionnaire to 1,986 people who purchased some kind of goods on the product sales site within a year. The percentage of respondents is 52.5% for men and 47.5% for women, and the results show that the age group is evenly aggregated from teens to 80s.

* Aggregation period: December 1, 2018-December 10, 2018

Q. What if I don't have the most popular payment method when I try to buy a product?
(Single choice, 1,986 respondents)

On the product sales site, if there is no payment method that is often used, more than 60% of the respondents said that they would withdraw and purchase the same product on other sites. I think that the fact that the same product or similar products are sold on multiple sites is also a major factor on product sales sites, but it can be said that it is an important way to prevent cart withdrawal by having abundant payment methods methods. increase. In addition, having a large selection of payment methods methods can also enclose customers coming from other sites due to lack of payment methods, so it can be expected to expand the customer base and sales. Probably.

[By industry] For digital content such as e-books, video viewing services, and games

But what about customers who purchase digital content such as e-books, video viewing services, and games? Similar to the customer survey on the product sales site, we conducted a survey (single selection) on 1,173 customers who purchased digital content online within a year about their preferred payment method. The percentage of respondents is 54.8% for men, 45.2% for women, and the age group is from teens to 80s.

* Aggregation period: December 1, 2018-December 10, 2018

Q. What if I don't have the most popular payment method when paying for digital content?
(Single choice, 1,173 respondents)

In the case of digital content, the result is that around 50% of customers leave due to a shortage of payment methods. One of the reasons why the numbers are lower than those of product sales sites is that there are few alternative services for digital content, and there are many cases where products and services can only be purchased on that site. However, if there is still a shortage of payment methods, about half of the customers will leave. Therefore, it can be said that it is important to expand the payment methods as well as the product sales site.

What are the payment methods often used by withdrawal customers?

So what payment methods do customers who leave the company often use?
In this question, we asked customers who chose to purchase on other sites when they do not have the most popular payment methods, what payment methods they often use. As a result, more than 80% of customers on both product sales sites and digital contents answered that they would pay by Credit Card Payment.


1,240 men and women who answered "find and purchase the same product at other online shops"


647 men and women who answered that they would pay where they sell similar digital content.

In the previous article "What is the most used payment methods on​ ​payment methods content sites", I introduced that the most used payment methods is Credit Card Payment. It turned out that about 80% of those who leave after all use Credit Card Payment.

Credit Card Payment should be introduced with the highest priority

So far, we have introduced the behavior of customers when payment methods is insufficient on product sales sites and digital contents, and payment methods, which is often used, but it is still the most important and should be introduced. payment methods can be said to be Credit Card Payment. However, the desired payment methods will differ slightly depending on the gender and age, so it is recommended that you carefully consider the target of your site and select payment methods.

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