PSP / Credit Card Payment Services TOP >Implementation Support > Flow of procedures for introducing Online Payment Services

Flow of procedures for introducing Online Payment Services

We will guide you from the process of applying for our Online Payment Services through to start of use in about 3 weeks to 2 months. The time required to start using the services may vary depending on the content of your services and the vetting status for the payment methods merchants apply for.
Please feel free to contact us regarding the specifications for each payment method and the application procedures.


  1. Inquiries

    Enter the company name, contact information, and desired payment method (credit card payment, convenience store payment, etc.) in the form.

  2. Development requirements confirmation *1

  3. Application

    Enter the required information in the application form and upload the required documents.

  4. System connection/start of use
    (A few days to 2 weeks *2)

    Development will be done to connect the business operator's site and the business operator's dedicated payment system. As a development language, if it can send and receive HTTP GET/POST, it is possible in principle. After the system connection is completed, you will be able to accept payments with your payment method.

Our company (SBPS)

  • Hearing/
    Present a quote

    We will listen to the information about the service to be introduced necessary for screening, quotation, billing/sales method, development requirements, etc., and create a quotation according to your request.

  • Review (2 weeks or more *2)

    It is possible to review the payment methods you use all at once. However, the content of the examination differs depending on the payment institution.

  • System construction (a few days to 2 weeks *2)

    We will build and provide a dedicated payment system for business operators. The construction period may take several days to two weeks depending on the payment method and setting information.
    In addition, since we have prepared a "common test environment", connection development can be performed in the "common test environment" before the payment system dedicated to the business operator is constructed.

  • 1 If you are using a cart, please check here.
  • 2 The start date of use may change depending on the status of the payment provider's review.
  • 2 Please note that if the required documents are missing, you will not be able to undergo screening. Our sales staff will inform you of the required documents at the time of application.
  • 2 The period is an estimate and may vary depending on payment methods you use.


In the inquiry form, you will be asked to provide information such as your company name, products handled, monthly transaction volume, desired payment methods (Credit Card Payment, CVS Payment, etc.), and implementation schedule.

  • Applications can be made even before the site opens (excluding some payment methods).

Consultation / Confirmation of development requirements

We will ask you about the information you need about the services you plan to introduce, such as Billing methods, Settlement methods methods, development requirements, screening and quotations, etc. Also, if you are currently using (or plan to use) an EC cart or EC site construction package, please refer to the following page.

Billing Methods (one-time billing, recurring billing)

The two types of billing methods available are one-time billing, which charges a customer each time they purchase a product, and recurring billing, which charges on a regular basis. We will confirm the billing methods needed according to your business’ services.

One-time billing: A billing method that makes charges every time a product is purchased
Recurring billing (simplified): A billing method in which a specified amount is continuously charged on a billing date set by us, such as for monthly usage fees and monthly flat-rate purchases.
Recurring billing (fixed term/pay-as-you-go): A billing method in which you specify the billing dates and amounts for recurring billings.

If you would like to know more about the billing methods, please see the page below.

Settlement Methods (automatic sales, designated sales)

You can choose between the automatic sales and designated sales settlement methods.

Automatic sales: Sales are automatically processed immediately after the customer completes the purchase
Designated sales: Sales are processed by you at your discretion

Payment System Connection Methods (Link type, API type)

Merchants can select the method of connecting their system with our payment systems.

Linked type: Merchants will be redirected from their system to our payment screen to process the payment.
Merchants do not need to prepare their own payment screen.
API type: Payment information is sent between the merchants’ system and our servers to process the payment. Merchants can make payments through their system.

  • With our API type, you can safely use Credit Card Payment by implementing a "one-time token system" that converts credit card numbers into a different string. For more information, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about our payment system connection methods, please see here.


There are fees involved in introducing our payment services.
We provide individualized estimates based on the content of the consultation.
In addition, the breakdown of implementation fees differs depending on the payment methods, so please contact us for details.

Breakdown of main implementation fees

Initial fee

Fee required when introducing our payment services. Billed once during the first month of implementation.

Fixed monthly fee

Fixed cost for the use and operation of the payment system each month.

Settlement fee

Fee incurred based on settlement amount. This fee is paid to the settlement institutions (credit card payment companies, convenience stores, etc.) for each payment method.

Payment service usage fee

Fee incurred based on the settlement amount that is paid to us.

Transaction fee

Fee for payment processing between the merchant and us. This fee is incurred for each sale or cancellation processed.


When applying, please submit the application form and necessary documents.
By presenting the following items, you can apply even before your site is live.

Submit application form

We will send you our designated application form. Please fill in the form with the following required items and submit it.

Required items

・Company information (must match certified copy of register)
・Account for payment
・Payment methods to be used (credit card payments, mobile carrier billings, etc.)
・Desired start date
・IP restrictions for management tool
・Payment system connection method / IP address

Prepare required documents

We will inform you of the necessary documents. While they differ depending on the payment methods, the main documents required are as follow.

Main documents required

・Merchant application form
・Explanation of products handled
・Certified copy of register
・Seal certificate

Prior to site launch

In the even your site is not yet live, please submit an overview of your services (materials that explain the content of your services). The main items required on your service overview document are as follow.

Main items required on service overview

・Site concept
・Content of products provided
・Billing scope (price range for each product)
・Screen redirection diagram (enrolling on site, paying, withdrawing membership)
・ Notation under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions


Bulk vetting is possible for all of the payment methods you wish to use. However, the content of the vetting will differ depending on the settlement institutions.
While vetting can take as little as 2 weeks, the content and time frame will differ depending on the payment methods.

  • The review period may be longer if there are any matters to be confirmed.

Vetting precautions

Please note that vetting may be suspended if anything is incomplete with regard to your site content, notation under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, or content of your application.

Examples of pending review and countermeasures

Classification Hold Reason Examples Examples of support
Inadequacies with the site content
  • The service content is difficult to understand
  • There is no cart
  • There is no order form
  • - Correction of the description of the service content
  • ・Submission of site description materials
Inaccuracies in the description under the Specified Commercial Transactions Act
  • ・There is no section on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act
  • ・The content of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act is insufficient
  • ・Revising and supplementing the provisions of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act
Errors in application details
  • ・License number related to the business law is not listed
  • ・No copies of licenses related to the business law are attached
  • ・Submit a copy or PDF of the required license
Classification Inadequacies with the site content Hold Reason Examples
  • The service content is difficult to understand
  • There is no cart
  • There is no order form
Examples of support
  • - Correction of the description of the service content
  • ・Submission of site description materials
Classification Inaccuracies in the description under the Specified Commercial Transactions Act Hold Reason Examples
  • ・There is no section on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act
  • ・The content of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act is insufficient
Examples of support
  • ・Revising and supplementing the provisions of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act
Classification Errors in application details Hold Reason Examples
  • ・License number related to the business law is not listed
  • ・No copies of licenses related to the business law are attached
Examples of support
  • ・Submit a copy or PDF of the required license

System configuration

We will configure and provide a payment system exclusively for you. Configuration will take between a few days and about 2 weeks depending on the payment methods and settings.
We also offer a shared test environment for use by you as well as our other merchants. You can develop your connection using the shared test environment until the merchants’ dedicated payment system is configured.

System connection

You will need to develop a connection between your site and the dedicated payment system we provide.
In principle, any programming language can be used as long as it supports sending and receiving HTTP GET / POST requests.
System specifications for developers and development contractors can be found on the Developer Console technical support site.

Start of use

Once the above system connection is complete, you will be able to accept payments through the payment methods introduced.

  • The start date of use will vary depending on the status of the payment institution's review.
  • We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about each payment methods, system, and application in our FAQs.
  • Please note that our Online Payment Service is not available to sole proprietors.

If you are considering implementing, 
please feel free to contact us

Please contact us to download detailed information about our services and to discuss costs and implementation.

Recommended Content by SB Payment Service

If you are considering us, please see our various payment services as well as merchant case studies.

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