

With the spread of online shopping and digital contents, many people of all ages have come to use Internet payments. It is important to know which payment method is commonly used to operate an e-commerce site.
Therefore, we conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate which payment methods is most used. Based on the results of the questionnaire, we will introduce the payment methods used in a ranking format.


Questionnaire results of mail order site

What is the most used payment methods on mail-order sites dealing with fashion, cosmetics, groceries, clothing, etc.? We conducted a questionnaire (single selection) with 1,986 valid responses. Let's see the result.

* Aggregation period: December 1-10, 2018


<By gender>

<By gender and age>

1st place Credit Card Payment (79.1%)

The first place was Credit Card Payment, which was answered by 79.1% of people. There is no big difference in the results by gender, with 79.3% for men and 78.8% for women.
There are some differences by age, with more than 80% for both men and women in their 30s and older, while 47.6% for men and 56.7% for women in their teens, 63.6% for men and 70.2% for women in their 20s. It has become. Due to the difficulty of issuing credit cards due to age and the familiarity with various payment methods from a young age, the usage rate other than Credit Card Payment is probably increasing.
So why are users so popular with Credit Card Payment? Introducing the questionnaire answers.

  • ・簡単。手数料がかからない。ポイントが貯まる。(男性/29歳)
  • ・クレジットカードでポイントがついてお得だから。(女性/32歳)
  • ・いつも利用している支払い方法だから。(男性/35歳)
  • ・ネットで完結できるから。(男性/36歳)
  • ・カード明細にて、まとめて購入記録が確認できるから。(女性/67歳)

The advantages of Credit Card Payment are that you can earn points and there are no fees. There were also opinions that it was easy and familiar.
Credit Card Payment are introduced on many EC sites and have great user benefits, so when introducing payments to a new EC site, we recommend that you first consider it with the highest priority.

Click here for details on Credit Card Payment

2nd place CVS Payment (6.6%)

Second place is CVS Payment. Especially, the support from teenage men is strong, and 21.4% chose CVS Payment. CVS Payment are also popular among females, with 13.4% of females in their teens, 6.8% of females in their 20s, 7.7% of females in their 30s, and 7.9% of females in their 60s, showing a higher percentage than the whole. Let's take a look at the questionnaire responses of customers who chose CVS Payment.

  • ・代引きだと自分が家にいないとき、誰かに頼まなくてはいけなく、コンビニは近くて行きやすいので便利だから。(女性/19歳)
  • ・クレジットカードを持っていない。(女性/20歳)
  • ・手数料がいらないから。(男性/62歳)
  • ・安心安全である。カードの不正利用やスキミングを防ぎたい。(女性/63歳)

CVS Payment are free of charge and are highly valued for being able to pay at convenience stores at any time you like. Customers who do not have a credit card or who are worried about entering credit card information on the Internet seem to be actively choosing CVS Payment.

Click here for details on CVS Payment

3rd place Mobile Carrier Billing (2.9%)

Third place is Mobile Carrier Billing. By age group, there are relatively many male customers in the younger age group, with 9.5% for male teens, 6.4% for males in their 20s, and 4.3% for males in their 30s. On the other hand, 3.0% of females were in their teens, while 7.5% were in their 20s.
After 40s, both men and women account for less than 2.9%, and it can be said that Mobile Carrier Billing is a payment methods favored by the younger generation. Then, what kind of points do you see attractively? Introducing the questionnaire answers.

  • ・簡単だから。(女性/26歳)
  • ・携帯代金とまとめて支払えるので。(男性/29歳)
  • ・ポイントがつくから。(男性/18歳)

It seems that the advantages are that you can easily make payments even if you do not own a credit card, and that you can pay the charges together with the mobile phone price and it is easy to manage. In addition, it can be said that customers who have accumulated points unique to their carriers are actively choosing Mobile Carrier Billing.

Click here for details on Mobile Carrier Billing

4th place cash on delivery (2.8%)

Fourth place is 2.8% cash on delivery. Cash on delivery is more common for men than women, with 7.1% for men in their teens, 5.8% for men in their 20s, 3.9% for men in their 30s, 3.1% for men in their 40s, and 3.2% for men in their 60s. Is higher than Let's take a look at the questionnaire answers to find out why you choose cash on delivery.

  • ・商品が届いてから支払えるので安心できる。(男性/32歳)
  • ・いくら使ったかわかりやすいから。(男性/42歳)
  • ・カード払いが嫌いだから。(女性/70歳)

Although there is a fee, there seems to be a deep-rooted sense of security that you can pay after the purchased item arrives. Cash on delivery is also selected for customers who manage their income and expenditures in cash and those who do not want to actively use Credit Card Payment.

5th place BNPL(Buy now pay later)(2.0%)

5th place is BNPL(Buy now pay later). The support from females was relatively strong, with 9.0% of females in their teens, 3.1% of females in their 20s, and 5.2% of females in their 40s. Let's see the specific reason for using it from the questionnaire answers.

  • ・クレジットカードがなくても使える方法だから。慌てなくて良い方法だから。(男性/28歳)
  • ・お給料日の関係で。(女性/44歳)
  • ・手数料負担がある場合も多いが、支払期日に余裕があることと、商品を確認してから支払えて安心だから。(女性/49歳)

Many people said that if it was within the payment deadline, payment could be made when there was enough money, such as after the payday, and there was a sense of security that payment could be made after confirming that there was no problem with the delivered product. ..
In order to dispel customers' anxieties about products and payments on EC sites, it is thought that introducing BNPL(Buy now pay later)that allow payment after product confirmation will give a good impression.

Click here for details on BNPL(Buy now pay later)

Digital content survey results

We conducted a questionnaire (single selection) to find out what payment methods is most used on sites that handle digital content such as e-books, video viewing services, and games. Let's announce the results of the questionnaire with 1,173 valid responses.

* Aggregation period: December 1-10, 2018


<By gender>

<By gender and age>

1st place Credit Card Payment (76.2%)

As with the mail-order site, 76.2% chose Credit Card Payment, but when looking at each age group, there was a remarkable difference compared to the mail-order site.
For both men and women in their 30s and above, the figure is high at around 80%, but 40.3% for teenage men, 37.8% for teenage women, and payment methods % for men in their 20s. Is high. The low credit card ownership rate of teenagers may be a factor, but for digital content, it is thought that multiple payment methods should be introduced in addition to Credit Card Payment.

Click here for details on Credit Card Payment

2nd place CVS Payment (8.0%)

Second place is CVS Payment. CVS Payment are overwhelmingly supported by teenagers, with 31.3% of male teenagers and 31.6% of female teenagers. merchants that develop services for teenagers are considered to be a payment methods that should definitely be introduced.

Click here for details on CVS Payment

3rd place Mobile Carrier Billing (4.8%)

Third place is Mobile Carrier Billing. The number of supporters is slightly higher for females, with 9.2% for teens, 8.4% for 20s, 6.0% for 40s, and 5.4% for 50s, which is more than 4.8% of the overall average. Also, among men, 8.4% are in their 20s, 5.1% are in their 30s, and 5.4% are in their 50s, which are used by customers of all ages.
The top three payment methods for digital content are Credit Card Payment, CVS Payment, and Mobile Carrier Billing, just like online shopping sites. We would like to introduce these payment methods, which many customers are accustomed to using on mail-order sites, in order to meet their needs.

Click here for details on Mobile Carrier Billing

4th place Prepaid Card (1.4%)

Fourth place is Prepaid Card. This is an overwhelmingly high usage rate for teenage men, at 10.4%. Since some online game campaigns are linked to Prepaid Card, the effect is probably great.
Let's find out why Prepaid Card is selected from the questionnaire responses.

  • ・クレカを持ってないから。(男性/18歳)
  • ・チャージした分だけ使えるので便利だから。(男性/19歳)
  • ・ゲーム提供会社の指定のうち、一番使い勝手が良いから。(女性/60歳)

It is supported that you can make payments safely and easily even if you do not own a credit card. Especially in online games, it seems that there are many cases where Prepaid Card is used to prevent overcharging. Even elementary school students can purchase it at a reasonable price, so it is recommended that merchants that develop game-related services introduce Prepaid Card.

Click here for details on Prepaid Card

5th place Electronic money (1.2%)

The fifth place is Electronic money. It is a payment methods that has become popular recently, and it is expected that the usage rate will continue to increase in the future.
So what is the reason for using Electronic money? Introducing the questionnaire answers.

  • ・便利だから。(女性/19歳)
  • ・決済が速い。使い過ぎがない。(男性/32歳)
  • ・貯まったポイントを電子マネーに交換することが多いからよく使う。(男性/42歳)

With prepaid e-commerce, you don't have to worry about overusing it, and you can easily make payments. In addition, since points accumulated with credit cards can often be exchanged for electronic money, electronic money is used for payment of digital contents. Especially for services that require a lot of small payments, it will have a high affinity with e-commerce.

Click here for details on Electronic money

Introducing a wide range of payment methods for users

Credit Card Payment boasted an overwhelming usage rate for both mail-order sites and digital content. Next are CVS Payment and Mobile Carrier Billing, and on EC sites that involve shipping products, the usage rate of cash on delivery and BNPL(Buy now pay later)that can be paid after product confirmation is high.
In digital content, Prepaid Card and Electronic money, which can be easily settled online, were favored. By introducing as many payment methods as possible according to the services provided by the merchants it will be possible to secure more users and improve sales.

Why SB Payment Service is chosen

We provide a wide variety of payment methods that can be introduced according to the business, both for e-commerce site merchants in-store merchants. Since you can make a contract for multiple payments at once, it is possible to save a lot of trouble by using our company rather than having the merchants make a contract for each payment service. In addition, we will handle payment processing and payment procedures on your behalf, so you can concentrate on your business operations.

If you are considering introducing it, merchants feel free to contact us.







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