Online payment methods include Credit Card Payment, Mobile Carrier Billing, CVS Payment, ID payment, and BNPL(Buy now pay later). Here, we will introduce the features of five typical online payment methods and the online payment methods that should be introduced by industry.


Benefits of introducing Credit Card Payment

Credit Card Payment is a payment methods that allows you to pay for products by entering your credit card number and expiration date. Since it is the payment methods most used by customers on the EC site, sales can be expected to increase by introducing it.


  • ・カード利用希望のお客さまの囲い込みができる
  • ・現金に比べ販売単価が上がりやすく、締め作業や請求作業が軽減する
  • ・料金回収における未収率が改善される
  • ・自動引き落としができ、購入における継続率向上につながりやすい
  • ・定期契約の増加による売上向上にも期待できる

Advantages of introducing Mobile Carrier Billing



  • ・クレジットカードを所有していなくても使える決済手段なので、お客さま増加につながる
  • ・簡単操作なのでお客さまのカート離脱を抑制できる
  • ・EC事業者さまにて課金日や金額を選択できる
  • ・携帯キャリアが、電話料金と合算して請求するため、売上未回収のリスクが抑えられる

Advantages of introducing CVS Payment

CVS Payment is a payment methods that allows you to pay for products at major convenience stores nationwide using a specific number issued at the time of purchase.


  • ・クレジットカード決済に次いで利用されている決済手段なので、お客さまの利便性向上につながる
  • ・お客さまに商品代金をお支払いいただいてから商品発送になるので、売上の未回収リスクがない
  • ・入金時にリアルタイムでEC事業者さまに通知される

Advantages of introducing ID payment

There are various ID payments, but here we will introduce PayPay (Online Payment) as an example. This is payment methods operated by PayPay Corporation, which is a joint venture between SoftBank Group Corp., SoftBank Corp., and LY Corporation. PayPay (Online Payment) allows you to easily shop using your PayPay account.


  • ・クレジットカードを所有していないお客さま層の利用が見込め、販売機会の拡大につながる
  • ・ヤフーとソフトバンクの会員資産の活用によって、お客さま増加が見込める
  • ・お客さまへのお得なキャンペーン提供が展開されるので、集客力アップにつながりやすい
  • ・購入時の面倒な入力作業が少ないため、手続き中のお客さまの離脱が抑制できる

Benefits of introducing BNPL(Buy now pay later)

Post-payment is a payment methods that allows customers to pay at convenience stores, banks, post offices, etc. after receiving the purchased products. Customers can pay after confirming the product, so they can purchase with confidence even on the EC site they use for the first time.


  • ・クレジットカードを所有していないお客さまも使える決済手段なので、利用者増加につながる
  • ・購入時の面倒な入力作業が少ないため、手続き中のお客さまの離脱が抑制できる
  • ・与信審査・請求書発行・代金回収等の業務が代行されるので、EC事業者さまの業務負担が軽減される

Industry-specific / recommended online payment

Introducing recommended online payment methods by industry, suitable for mail-order sites and digital contents.

Recommended for mail order sites

For mail-order sites, the lineup of payment methods is an important factor for customer satisfaction and sales expansion.
The most used payment methods on mail order sites is Credit Card Payment. Recently, Credit Card Payment are becoming an "usable and natural payment methods". On the other hand, there are a certain number of people who do not have a credit card or do not want to use a credit card. Therefore, CVS Payment and Mobile Carrier Billing, which have high usage rates, should be suppressed.
Also, some customers prefer cash on delivery or postpay, so you may consider introducing it.


  • ・クレジットカード決済
  • ・コンビニ決済
  • ・キャリア決済
  • ・代引き
  • ・後払い決済

Recommended for digital content

In recent years, demand for digital content such as e-books, online games, and video viewing services has increased. Due to the nature of digital content, transactions are often completed online, so it may be difficult for e-commerce merchants to decide what kind of payment methods to introduce.

As with online shopping sites, digital content has a high usage rate for Credit Card Payment. Next are CVS Payment and Mobile Carrier Billing. In addition, many customers use "Prepaid Card" using prepaid cards that can be easily purchased at convenience stores, so it is advisable to consider introducing it.


  • ・クレジットカード決済
  • ・コンビニ決済
  • ・キャリア決済
  • ・プリペイドカード決済

[Survey results] What is the most used payment methods for digital contents?

I will explain the points of introducing payment methods that should be kept in mind on digital content sites.

Why SB Payment Service is chosen

In addition to the five payments introduced in our online payment, we also offer a wide variety of other payment methods.
We will propose payment methods according to the characteristics of EC merchants. If you are an e-commerce merchants wishing to introduce payment, please contact us.




Bulk introduction of online payments suitable for business 

Compatible with Over 40 types payment brands!

Introduction of related services

  • オンライン決済サービス


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  • 店舗向け決済サービス

    Supports a wide range of payment methods and supports store management.
    Contribute to smartness

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  • Can be linked
    EC cart package

    Supports over 20 types of EC carts.
    Payment can be implemented with little development burden

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