We provide various payment methods such as Credit Card Payment and Prepaid Card for shopping on the website.
ebookjapan is one of the largest e-book sales services in Japan, handling more than 650,000 books, mainly manga.
We offer a variety of payment methods such as credit cards and prepaid cards.
company name | eBOOK Initiative Japan Co.,Ltd. |
Site name | ebookjapan |
URL | https://ebookjapan.yahoo.co.jp/ |
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Many merchants are considering introducing Credit Card Payment, and there is a wide range of information that we would like to introduce. From among them, we judge the current affairs and importance, and introduce some of them. Please have a look.
Credit Card Payment
The most widely used payment service accepting six major international brands.
Prepaid Card Payments
It is a payment service that allows you to pay within the amount of the prepaid card purchased in advance.
Case Studies
Here are examples of how our services have been introduced across a variety of businesses, such as product sales, digital content sales, and membership sites.