株式会社テレビ東京ダイレクト ロゴ

Successfully implemented measures to prevent retention without making major changes to existing order flow

TV TOKYO Direct. Inc Mr. Eiji Furuya, manager of System Marketing Department
Mr. Takashi Omori, System Marketing Department and General Affairs and Accounting Department
Mr. Yuya Otsuru, Chief of the Business Promotion Department and System Marketing Department

Company Information

TV TOKYO Shopping operated by TV TOKYO Direct has a lineup of products introduced in the daily life information programs and TV shopping "Nanairo Hiyori!" And "Mono Star" that are being broadcast on TV TOKYO and BS Japan.
You can order by phone or via the internet / smartphone app.

Eligible Services


  • Solutions

    • Online Payment Services
    • Tokenization service (MOTO)
  • payment methods introduced

    • Credit Card Payment
  • number of employees

    • 100 - 1,000 people
  • industry

    • Retail (Mail Order)
  • Task

    • ・With the revision of the Installment Sales Act, measures to Non-retention of credit card information have become necessary
    • ・Due to the characteristics of the customer, it was difficult to select a service, but we placed importance on "how quickly and stress-free the call center operators can handle the process" and "whether they can respond to customers without any problems"
  • solution

    • ・We felt that we could keep the conversation scripts with customers as they were and that the operator's operations could be completed without losing much time, so we considered a non-retention service using tablets.
    • ・The decision to introduce the "Tokenization service(MOTO)" provided by SBPS was made after evaluating the fact that it does not require a large system integration burden and only requires reading the "permanent token" that is a tokenized credit card number.
  • effect

    • ・The system was introduced without making any major changes to the existing order flow; the only change was for the operator to enter the credit card number into a tablet.
    • ・There was little confusion among operators, and the response took half the time expected, making the non-retention measure a success

We asked TV TOKYO Direct. Inc, Ltd., who introduced the "Tokenization service(MOTO)" as a measure to de Non-retention of credit card information about the background of the introduction.

Please tell us the background to your consideration of the payment service.

Considering non-holding of telephone orders due to amendment of installment sales law
Evaluate the fact that operator operation changes and system linkage load are small

Following the revision of the Installment Sales Act in June 2018, it has become necessary to take measures to Non-retention of credit card information.
TV TOKYO Direct. Inc (hereinafter referred to as "our company") was aware that it did not retain credit card information, but when taking orders over the phone at the call center, credit card information is entered into our company's order system, and since this part corresponds to the "passing" of credit card information, measures to prevent the retention of such information were necessary. In order to prevent the retention of such information, we considered several services, but due to the characteristics of the customers who use our services, it was difficult to select a service.
As a result, we began considering a non-retention service using tablets. The most important thing was "how quickly and stress-free the call center operators could process the requests" and "whether they could respond to customers without any issues." We felt that with SB Payment Service's (hereinafter "SBPS") "Tokenization service(MOTO)," the conversation scripts with customers could be left as is, and the operators' operations could be processed without much time loss.
From the early stages of SBPS's proposal, we thought "this could work," and discussed it within our company. What made SBPS' "Tokenization service(MOTO)" superior to other companies' non-retention services was that while other services required some method of linking the information entered on the input terminal with the mail-order system, the "Tokenization service(MOTO)" did not require the heavy burden of system linkage, and all that was needed was to read a special barcode or QR code to receive the "permanent token," which is a tokenized credit card number. We evaluated the various innovative aspects of the service and decided to introduce it.

How was the introduction period and introduction support?

Be aware of when to decide on a solution to comply with the revised law
Achieve smooth introduction while linking the latest information on a daily basis

The Revised Installment Sales Act was set to come into force on June 1, 2018, so we felt we needed to comply by that date, and therefore needed to decide on a non-retention solution around December 2017, counting backwards from the date of enforcement. While we had been receiving various proposals for non-retention solutions from various companies since around December 2017, we had a feeling that it would be unlikely that a better solution than SBPS's "Tokenization service(MOTO)" would be available in the future, so we decided to ask SBPS in December 2017.
The "Tokenization service(MOTO)" is a service that has just been launched, and SBPS was developing and implementing it in parallel with our company. However, SBPS sales representatives acted as a hub, sharing the latest information on a daily basis, so the implementation was stress-free.

However, I have one request. The "Tokenization service(MOTO)" reads the "permanent token" using a barcode or QR code, but I would have liked it if they had also proposed a reader to read it. In order to avoid reducing the efficiency of our operators, we needed to find a reader that was fast to read and not too hassle-free, so we ordered and tested several readers. As a result, we found that the reader provided by Limited company Aand-toef Corporation had high reading accuracy, and we highly evaluated it. It would have been better if they had proposed the "Tokenization service(MOTO)" and a reader as a set.

Please tell us about after the introduction.

Achieve order processing in a shorter time than expected without resistance to tablet input

We needed to put together a workflow for operators to actually process orders using tablets, but we were able to introduce it without making any major changes to the existing basic workflow, since all we had to do was change the flow from inputting credit card information on a PC's numeric keypad to inputting it on a tablet. We thought that operators would be hesitant to input credit card information on a tablet, but many of them had no problem using a tablet, and at first they were amused by it. The operators were less confused than we had feared. When we introduced the "Tokenization service(MOTO)," we had a flow where after receiving credit card information from the customer, the call was put on hold, the credit card information was input on the tablet, and the information was checked visually, but once the operator got used to it, we allowed them to operate the service while listening to the phone call. Currently, about 60 to 70 percent of the time, we operate the service while listening to the phone call. Regarding response time, we expected it to take about one minute longer than before because a step of reading the QR code was added, but in reality, we were able to respond in about half that time, about 30 seconds, so we think the introduction of the "Tokenization service(MOTO)" was a success.
We have provided one tablet for each call center seat. Credit Card Payment are not made at all seats at the same time, but we keep unused tablets ready as spares. When the tablet installed at the operator's seat cannot be used immediately, such as when the session time has expired, the operator is asked to raise their hand and the spare tablet will be brought to the operator. We have introduced a generous number of tablets while also considering spares, so as not to keep customers waiting.

Are there any payment functions or services you expect in the future?

Expectations for proposals for payment services tailored to the customer base

As the next step, we would like to strengthen the payment part in cooperation with SBPS, such as using "permanent tokens" to make payments for the second and subsequent purchases without asking for credit card information. In addition, as various payment services become widespread, we would like to introduce a convenient and optimal payment service for the elderly, so we would like to ask you to continue to provide the latest information. I am.

  • *Service names, departments, job titles, etc. are current as of August 2018.
  • * Currently, it is possible to propose leaders provided by A Limited company Aand-toef Corporation. Please see here for details.
  • *The photo is for illustrative purposes only.

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