Mobile Carrier Billings

Introduce SoftBank, docomo, and au
mobile carrier billings all together!

*The video is an image.

What is mobile carrier billing?

Mobile carrier billings are payment services that allow customers to pay for products and more together with their mobile phone charges using each carrier’s ID / password authentication.

Since carrier payments make paying simple, they are expected to improve the level of convenience for customers who make payments with their smartphones.

When making contracts with each carrier in-house, merchants must deal with applications and accounting processes for each, but contracting through us makes it possible to consolidate them.

In addition, we can introduce payments for 3 carriers, "SoftBank Collective Payment", "d Payment (Carrier)", and "au Easy Payment".

Mobile carrier billing sample diagram
  • If you introduce SoftBank Mobile Wallet, Y! Mobile customers can also use it as "Y! Mobile One-Stop Payment."

4 Benefits

1. Expand sales opportunities

Payment methods that can be used even without a credit card

Mobile carrier billings are available to younger customers who do not have credit cards and customers who may prefer not to enter their card information on the Web, and the use of carrier payments has been expanding in recent years.

Reduce cart abandonment with easy operation

Unlike credit card payments, mobile carrier billings can be made simply by entering a 4-digit PIN code registered with the carriers, without having to enter a long card number. As a result, payments can easily be made even on a small smartphone screen or on the train, letting you anticipate reductions in cart abandonment.

Mobile carrier billing password diagram

2. Support for recurring billing by the 3 carriers

Select billing dates and amounts to match your services

Mobile carrier billings also support recurring billing by the 3 carriers.

This service enables continuous charges for things such as regular deliveries/buying clubs, digital content streaming services, membership fees, subscription fees, viewing fees, and more.

Billing timing and amounts can be set by you, enabling you to use recurring billing with flexibility based on the characteristics of your services.

Mobile carrier billing flow diagram 1 Mobile carrier billing flow diagram 2

3. Safe without risk of uncollected payments

For transactions where the payment has been successfully processed, the carriers will take over the credit claim for the price of the product and bill the customer together with their mobile phone charges.

The money transferred to us from the carriers will then be collectively paid out to you.

As your business does not have to take on the risk of uncollected payments by customers failing to pay, you can introduce mobile carrier billings with peace of mind.

Mobile carrier billing diagram 3

4. Effective as an additional payment methods

There have been cases in which even merchants who have already introduced credit card payments have further expanded their sales after introducing mobile carrier billings. Adding payment methods expands both your customer base and leads to increased sales for your business as well.

Case 1: Gourmet food site
Case 2: Online cosmetics merchant
Case 1: Gourmet food site
Case 2: Online cosmetics merchant

Aggregation period: July 2016 to April 2018, based on our performance survey

Mobile carrier billing mechanisms

The advantage of mobile carrier billings is that they allow you to manage each of the carrier’s payment services together.

Mobile carrier billing flow diagram 4

Functions provided

This is a connection method that allows merchants to freely build their own payment processing screens. API type details
This is Billing methods where you pay each time you purchase a product. Billing methods details
This is Billing methods in which specified amount is charged continuously on the billing date determined by our company. Billing methods details
This is Billing methods Billing methods which merchants specifies the billing time and amount and settles continuously.
This is a connection method that allows merchants to freely build their own payment processing screens. API type details
This is Billing methods where you pay each time you purchase a product. Billing methods details
This is Billing methods in which specified amount is charged continuously on the billing date determined by our company. Billing methods details
This is Billing methods Billing methods which merchants specifies the billing time and amount and settles continuously.
This is a connection method that allows merchants to freely build their own payment processing screens. API type details
This is Billing methods where you pay each time you purchase a product. Billing methods details
This is Billing methods in which specified amount is charged continuously on the billing date determined by our company. Billing methods details
This is Billing methods Billing methods which merchants specifies the billing time and amount and settles continuously.

Payable amounts / Supported products

Customer's maximum payment amount (monthly) *1
SoftBank Mobile Wallet 100,000 yen
d payment (carrier) 50,000 yen
au Kantan Kessai (Easy Payment) 50,000 yen
Supported products
SoftBank Mobile Wallet Product sales, digital content *2, and services
d payment (carrier) Product sales / Digital content / Services
au Kantan Kessai (Easy Payment) Product sales / Digital content / Services
Customer's maximum payment amount (monthly) *1 SoftBank Mobile Wallet 100,000 yen
d payment (carrier) 50,000 yen
au Kantan Kessai (Easy Payment) 50,000 yen
Supported products SoftBank Mobile Wallet Product sales, digital content *2, and services
d payment (carrier) Product sales / Digital content / Services
au Kantan Kessai (Easy Payment) Product sales / Digital content / Services
  • 1 This may vary depending on the customer's age, mobile phone usage, etc.
  • 2 デジタルコンテンツのサイトにソフトバンクまとめて支払いをご導入いただく場合、マルチデバイス対応しているサイトである必要がございます。

Implementation method

The procedures from application to getting started are as follow.
For details on implementation procedures and costs, please see Implementation and fees


  1. Inquiries

  2. お申し込み

  3. システム接続/ご利用開始


  • ヒアリング・

  • 審査

  • システム構築

We will also provide you with a quote regarding usage fees (fees, etc.) after we ask for details, so please contact us using the inquiry button below.

If you are considering implementing, 
please feel free to contact us

Please contact us to download detailed information about our services and to discuss costs and implementation.

Delivered by SB Payment Service
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We use Mobile Carrier Billing.
These are the most frequently asked questions from our customers.
For customers considering introduction, or those already using the service, please contact us regarding connection methods, costs,
Please feel free to take a look at the detailed page on usage, etc.