
At ATMs and Internet banking of most financial institutions nationwide
Easy and convenient payment methods that allows you to pay

What is Pay-easy?

Pay-easy is a payment methods that allows you to pay for products using ATMs and Internet banking of most financial institutions nationwide.
Please pay using the "storage institution number", "customer number" and "confirmation number" that will be paid out after the payment is processed.

* Pay-easy is the name of the payment methods jointly constructed and operated by the Japan Multi-Network Promotion Council / Operating Organization.


Payment is as easy as entering numbers

You can pay for Internet shopping by simply entering the number at the ATM of a financial institution (*).

Reach a wide range of customers

Since payments can be made from banks, credit unions, credit unions, labor banks, agricultural and fishery cooperatives, Japan Post Bank ATMs and Internet banking nationwide, it can be used by customers in a wide range of regions and age groups.
In addition, since you can pay from cash or the balance of your bank account, even customers who do not have a credit card can use Pay-easy to make payments on the Internet.

Notify deposit in real time

As soon as the customer completes the payment, we will notify the merchants the payment, so we can provide smooth service to the customer.

Pay-easy mechanism

Customers can easily pay utility bills and taxes. I will explain the payment mechanism.

Pay-easy mechanism

Functions provided

  • Connection methods
    Link type API type
  • Billing methods
    Pay-as-you-go Recurring (simple) Recurring (fixed / metered)
    - -
  • Available websites
    PC Smartphone Mobile phone
Connection method that allows you to build your payment screen freely. >API type details
Billing method that charges each time a product is purchased. >Billing method details
Billing method that continuously charges a specified amount on a billing date set by us. >Billing method details
Billing method that charges based on an amount and billing period specified by you. >Billing method details

Implementation method

For the procedure from application to start of use, please see About introduction.
We will estimate the usage fee (fee, etc.) after asking for details.

Introduction of similar services

We have grouped similar services together based on how you can check your payment information and where you actually make the payment.
You can choose payment methods that best suits your needs.


This is a question we have received from merchants considering the introduction of Pay-easy and our merchants that are already using it.

Do I need to register as a member to pay with Pay-easy?
No, they do not. Customers can pay using only the recipient number, customer number, and confirmation number issued at the time of payment.
Will the customer be notified by email of the information required for payment when accepting a purchase with Pay-easy?
Only when using our Link type connection will the customer by notified by SBPS of the payment information via email.
Is it possible to set a payment deadline?
Yes, you can. You must set the payment deadline between the date following purchase and 59 days thereafter.
Will the customer be charged a fee when paying with Pay-easy?
No fees are charged. Customers are only required to pay for the product.

For other questions please see our FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions page.

If you are considering implementing, 
please feel free to contact us

Please contact us to download detailed information about our services and to discuss costs and implementation.

Recommended Content by SB Payment Service

This is a frequently asked question from customers who use Pay-easy. Please feel free to visit the detailed pages such as connection method, cost, usage, etc. even for customers who are considering introduction or using it.