Service overview

aLe Cart is a cart system developed by ai-li Inc. that specializes in apparel e-commerce and was created by utilizing the experience and know-how that the company has cultivated in the industry through providing e-commerce site structures and e-commerce site management services to many clients.

The app comes equipped with a wealth of default features that meet the needs and initiatives of apparel e-commerce managers without the need for additional customization.

Recommended for:

  • - Many functions that cannot be realized with existing ASPs (functional limitations)
  • - I want to customize the features, but the development fee is expensive.
  • ・Only limited customization that depends on the developer is possible
  • · Few functions that understand apparel
  • ・The cost of developing from scratch doesn't fit into our budget
  • ・There are no in-house engineers or other resources capable of performing maintenance
  • ・The website I created previously is outdated and I feel like I’m falling behind on trends.

Benefits of introducing aLe Cart

  • - Comes standard with a wealth of features specific to apparel-focused apps
  • ・Continuously evolving, cutting-edge functionality that never becomes obsolete
  • ・Individual support for unique development requests
  • ・A reliable maintenance environment means no need for specialized engineers


ai-li Co., Ltd.
ai-li Co., Ltd.