What is China UnionPay?

"UnionPay" is the most popular payment brand in China, and in the first quarter of 2015, the cumulative number of "UnionPay cards" issued exceeded 5 billion and the transaction amount was about 1.9 trillion dollars. As a result, the handling amount is the No. 1 share in the world.
"China UnionPay" is a payment service that allows you to make online payments using the UnionPay card, and is the recommended payment methods for cross-border EC for China.
As an "acquireer", we provide a total of highly reliable services from the vetting of "China UnionPay" to application, examination and provision.

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You can check sales details with a Japanese-speaking management tool.

Sales and refunds to customers can also be processed from the Japanese management tool.

China UnionPay can be used only by contracting with us.

"UnionPay" is a card brand used mainly in China, but it can be introduced only by contracting with us.

We will convert it to Japanese Yen and deposit it. No need for troublesome foreign currency conversion.

We will convert the sales of China UnionPay into Japanese yen and deposit it to the merchants.

Since it is provided as a Link Type, it is easy to install.

We will prepare a payment screen for customers. Customers can move to this payment screen and pay for products etc. by China UnionPay.

China UnionPay system

The flow of China UnionPay service is described below.

China UnionPay system

Functions provided

  • Connection methods
    Link type API type
  • Billing methods
    Pay-as-you-go Recurring (simple) Recurring (fixed / metered)
    - -
  • Available websites
    PC Smartphone Mobile phone

* API type provides only subsequent processing function

Connection method that allows you to build your payment screen freely. >API type details
Billing method that charges each time a product is purchased. >Billing method details
Billing method that continuously charges a specified amount on a billing date set by us. >Billing method details
Billing method that charges based on an amount and billing period specified by you. >Billing method details

Implementation method

For the procedure from application to start of use, please see About introduction.
We will estimate the usage fee (fee, etc.) after asking for details.

If you are considering implementing, 
please feel free to contact us

Please contact us to download detailed information about our services and to discuss costs and implementation.