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Apparel specialized SaaS type EC site construction platform "aLe"
and SBPS Online Payment Service collaborate
~ "aLe", which supports cross-border EC, supports a wide variety of payment methods from PayPay (Online Payment) to AliPay+ ~

March 22, 2024

ai-li Co., Ltd.
SB Payment Service Corp.

ai-li Co., Ltd. (Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Representative Director Kentaro Kotake, hereinafter referred to as "ai-li") and SB Payment Service Corp. (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director President and CEO Jun Shinba, hereinafter referred to as "SBPS", a subsidiary of SoftBank Corp.) is a cross-border EC compatible SaaS type EC site construction platform specialized in apparel, "aLe", provided by ai-li, and SBPS's Online Payment Service is linked to provide a rich variety of payment methods with "aLe". started on January 12, 2024. Businesses using "aLe" can now implement Credit Card Payment, PayPay (Online Payment), RakutenPay (Online), Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Mobile Carrier Billing, web CVS Payment, and AliPay+.
ai-li and SBPS have recently entered into a system collaboration in order to provide businesses with payment methods is in high demand in the apparel industry both domestically and internationally. We will continue to provide highly convenient services that meet the needs of business operators.

payment methods available at "aLe"

クレジットカード決済 Visa、Mastercard、JCB、American Express、Diners Club International
ウォレット決済 PayPay (Online Payment), RakutenPay (Online), Apple Pay, Amazon Pay
キャリア決済 ソフトバンクまとめて支払い、d払い、auかんたん決済
Webコンビニ決済 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, Lawson, Ministop, Daily Yamazaki, Seicomart
Payment for overseas AliPay+

About "aLe"

"aLe" is an EC cart system specializing in apparel EC. It comes standard with features required for apparel that are difficult to achieve with regular SaaS. In addition, "aLe" is extensible, flexibly supports partial development, and allows individual customization.

Click here for more information.


As a PSP company, SBPS provides over 40 brands of payment methods for businesses to use in their online shops. We hold licenses for international credit card brands such as Visa, Mastercard, and UnionPay, and do not only provide PSP processing services, but also provide vetting and management services as an acquirer, as well as payment services and fraud detection services. We do it as a one-stop shop. "AI fraud detection *", which was independently developed by SBPS using its payment data and payment knowledge, can be used easily and at low cost starting from 0 yen, contributing to the early detection of fraudulent transactions.

  • ・このプレスリリースに記載されている会社名および製品・サービス名は、各社の登録商標または商標です。


ai-li Co., Ltd.

代表者 Representative Director Kentaro Kotake
所在地 13-10 Ida Mimai-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
設立 June 28, 2011
事業内容 Development work for web production and web systems, etc.
URL https://www.ai-li.biz/


代表者 代表取締役社長 兼 CEO 榛葉 淳
所在地 東京都港区海岸1丁目7番1号 東京ポートシティ竹芝オフィスタワー
設立 2004年10月1日
事業内容 決済サービス、集金代行および企業の計算事務代行、アクワイアリング(カード加盟店業務)事業、イシュイング(カード発行業務)事業
URL https://www.sbpayment.jp/

Inquiries regarding "aLe"

ai-li Co., Ltd.

お問い合わせフォーム https://ai-li.biz/#contact



お問い合わせフォーム https://www.sbpayment.jp/contact/?argument=3qe9Sa9A&dmai=a5d1c838fbaef4


SBペイメントサービス株式会社 広報担当

お問い合わせフォーム https://www.sbpayment.jp/internal/public/index.php