March 29, 2024
SB Payment Service Corp. (Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO Jun Shinba, hereafter referred to as "SBPS"), a subsidiary of SoftBank Corp., has partnered with Shopify Japan Inc. (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Country Manager Makoto Taihara). We are providing payment methods by linking the commerce platform "Shopify", which is deployed in 175 countries around the world, and SBPS's Online Payment Service March 19, 2024, "Shopify" will provide a new overseas payment service. We would like to inform you that we now support China UnionPay and WeChat Pay as payment methods. SBPS will continue to expand payment methods available to Japanese businesses using Shopify.
To commemorate the addition of this payment methods, we will be running a campaign. Businesses that inquire using the dedicated form by May 31, 2024 and have introduced SBPS's Online Payment Service China UnionPay or WeChat Pay will have the initial and monthly fees for China UnionPay or WeChat Pay free forever. We will provide special benefits *1.
Shopify new member store Dedicated form | |
Shopify existing merchants Dedicated form | |
海外向け決済 | China UnionPay, WeChat Pay |
クレジットカード決済 | Visa、Mastercard、JCB、American Express、Diners Club International |
ウォレット決済 | PayPay (Online Payment), LINE Pay, RakutenPay (Online), au Pay (online payment) |
キャリア決済 | ソフトバンクまとめて支払い、d払い、auかんたん決済 |
Webコンビニ決済 | セブン-イレブン、ファミリーマート、ローソン、ミニストップ、セイコーマート |
UnionPay is the most popular payment brand in China, and as of March 2021, UnionPay cards can be used in 180 countries and regions, with a total number of issued cards exceeding 9 billion. "China UnionPay" is payment methods recommended for cross-border e-commerce for China, as it allows you to shop online using your UnionPay card.
Click here for more information.
"WeChat Pay" is payment methods provided by the messenger app "WeChat", which has over 1.336 billion monthly active users. "WeChat Pay" can not only solve cross-border issues for e-commerce businesses, but also be used by foreign users living in Japan, making it possible to develop business with both inbound customers and foreign customers living in Japan.
Click here for more information.
代表者 | 代表取締役社長 兼 CEO 榛葉 淳 |
所在地 | 東京都港区海岸1丁目7番1号 東京ポートシティ竹芝オフィスタワー |
設立 | 2004年10月1日 |
事業内容 | 決済サービス、集金代行および企業の計算事務代行、アクワイアリング(カード加盟店業務)事業、イシュイング(カード発行業務)事業 |
URL | |
Shopify new merchant contact form | |
Shopify existing merchant contact form | |
お問い合わせフォーム | |