Press Releases

Interfactory and SB Payment Service,
AI fraud detection system cooperation started with "ebisumart"
-Using SBPS's "AI fraud detection" to identify suspicious payments on EC sites and reduce the burden on businesses-

May 31, 2022

Interfactory Co., Ltd.

SB Payment Service Corp.

Interfactory Co., Ltd., Ltd. (hereinafter "Interfactory") and SB Payment Service Corp. (hereinafter "SBPS"), a subsidiary of SoftBank Corp., are SBPS on the cloud commerce platform "ebisumart" provided by Interfactory. From May 31, 2022, we will start system linkage of the fraud detection service "AI fraud detection" that utilizes AI provided by. As a result, all businesses that have introduced SBPS's Online Payment Service using "ebisumart" will be able to use "AI fraud detection" free of charge as a countermeasure against fraud on EC sites * 1. The business operator checks the score result displayed in real time on the management screen of "ebisumart" for each payment, and if a certain score is displayed, the scoring result or the scoring result from the "AI fraud detection" management screen provided by SBPS. By checking the rule judgment result and credit judgment result, it is possible to detect suspicious transactions at an early stage.

Background of system linkage of "AI fraud detection" with "ebisumart"

Due to the recent demand for nesting, the Japanese EC market is expanding, and the damage caused by fraudulent use in Credit Card Payment is also increasing. Therefore, by utilizing SBPS's "AI fraud detection" to identify suspicious transactions in Credit Card Payment, Interfactory and SBPS will bear the burden of security measures against fraudulent use damage by businesses that use "ebisumart" as much as possible. In order to reduce it, we have reached this cooperation.

About "AI fraud detection" that can be used with "ebisumart"

"AI fraud detection" is SBPS's fraud detection service that detects fraudulent use using payment information and machine learning. With more than hundreds of millions of payment data per year, it is possible to machine-learn past fraud patterns and calculate the risk of fraudulent use of such payments in real time when the customer makes a payment. Businesses that use "ebisumart" will be scored by "AI fraud detection" when the customer pays by Credit Card Payment, and the score result will be displayed on the "ebisumart" management screen. By narrowing down by high score, it is possible to detect suspicious transactions at an early stage. You can also check the reason for the high score of the payment and the card attributes (last 4 digits of the card number, card issuing country * 2) from the "AI fraud detection" management screen. Based on this information, businesses can use this information to prevent unauthorized use by individually verifying the identity of suspicious transactions and processing suspension of delivery before providing products and services. Furthermore, by applying for a paid plan for "AI fraud detection" * 3, you can set your own rules that can deter suspicious transactions, and you can automatically block suspicious transactions.

About "ebisumart"

"Ebisumart" is a major cloud commerce platform with the No. 1 share * 4 of EC site construction tool share for 3 consecutive years in the SaaS type non-cart type market. It has the advantages of both EC package and ASP system, and you can always build the latest and optimized EC site. With a cumulative total of over 700 sites built, regardless of industry, such as site renewal, omni-channel, and BtoB-EC, we will support the growth of the EC business while quickly reflecting the needs of our customers.

Click here for details on "ebisumart".

Interfactory and SBPS will continue to provide highly convenient services that meet the needs of businesses.

  • 1 「AI不正検知」はクレジットカード決済での注文で利用できます。その他の決済手段での注文では利用できません。
  • 2 カード発行国の識別はVisa、Mastercardブランドのみ可能です。
  • 3 「AI不正検知」有料プランのお申し込みをご希望の場合は、SBPSまでお問い合わせください。
  • 4 富士キメラ総研「ソフトウェアビジネス新市場2019-2021年版(数量ベース2018年度-2020年度)」調べ
  • 掲載されている画像はイメージです。実際と異なる場合があります。

Company Profile

Interfactory Co., Ltd.

Representative Noboru Kabuki, President and CEO
Location 2-10-2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Iidabashi Grand Bloom 4F
Established June 2003
Business content Cloud solution business

SB Payment Service Corp.

Representative Jun Shinba, President and CEO
Location 1-7-1 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower
Established October 2004
Business content Payment service, collection agency and corporate calculation office work, acquiring (card merchant business) business, issuing (card issuing business) business

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