Rakuten Pay (online payment) V2

About 100 million people with a high online purchase rate
You can expect sales improvement by reaching Rakuten members

About Rakuten Pay (Online Payment) V2

Rakuten Pay (Online Payment) V2 is an online payment service that allows registered Rakuten members to easily pay using their Rakuten ID on sites other than Rakuten Ichiba.
We provide businesses with the purchasing power of approximately 100 million Rakuten members nationwide.



Easy payment with only Rakuten ID and password


No need to enter personal information or credit card information


Save money by using and earning Rakuten Points

How Rakuten Pay (online payment) V2 works

We will describe the flow of Rakuten Pay (online payment) V2.

How Rakuten Pay (online payment) V2 works

Advantages of introduction

① It is possible to reach Rakuten members who boast an overwhelming number of members

About 100 million Rakuten members will be able to use it.
By making it possible to easily make payments using Rakuten ID, which is familiar to Rakuten members, which boasts the largest number of members in Japan, it is possible to approach a wide range of users.

②Improve conversion rate

Users do not need to enter personal or credit card information *, and simply enter their Rakuten ID and password to complete payments easily and securely, reducing withdrawal rates and improving conversion rates.

*Depending on the EC site, it may be necessary to enter personal information.

(3) Improve LTV

Rakuten points can be “collected” * and “used” at the time of purchase, which tends to increase the order unit price and the number of orders per year. Furthermore, by installing a “point part” on the site that displays the balance of Rakuten Points held by visitors with a Rakuten ID, a higher purchase promotion effect can be expected.

*Rakuten Points can only be earned by paying with Rakuten Card, Rakuten Points, and Rakuten Cash.

Functions provided

  • Connection methods
    Link type API type
  • Billing methods
    Pay-as-you-go Recurring (simple) Recurring (fixed / metered)
  • Available websites
    PC Smartphone Mobile phone

* Subsequent processing such as sales confirmation, cancellation, refund after purchase processing can be used with API type.

Connection method that allows you to build your payment screen freely. >API type details
Billing method that charges each time a product is purchased. >Billing method details
Billing method that continuously charges a specified amount on a billing date set by us. >Billing method details
Billing method that charges based on an amount and billing period specified by you. >Billing method details

Implementation method

For the procedure from application to start of use, please see About introduction.
We will estimate the usage fee (fee, etc.) after asking for details.

If you are considering implementing, 
please feel free to contact us

Please contact us to download detailed information about our services and to discuss costs and implementation.

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