Fraud detection service O-PLUX

Service overview

"O-PLUX" is a fraud detection service provided by Cacco Cacco Inc., Ltd.
Big data analysis analyzes fraudulent behavior patterns and detects orders from fraudsters targeting e-commerce merchants.

Fraud Detail Service O-PLUX

Fraud Detail Service O-PLUX

By detecting a wide range of fraud such as fraud and mischievous orders in credit, deferred payment, and cash on delivery payments, and large orders for resale purposes, we will contribute to improving the profit margin of EC businesses and reducing the number of in-house examination man-hours.

・ Introduced to more than 10,000 sites such as EC companies and major malls
・ Automatic name identification for notations such as fluctuations in address notation and variant characters
・ Sharing fraudulent transaction information between businesses
・ Examination is possible without credit card information
・ Data linkage with consideration for personal information protection
・ Various linkage methods such as API connection, TAG linkage, and CSV upload are available.



Cacco Inc.
Cacco Inc.

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