One-Time Token System

What is a One-Time Token System?

The one-time token system is a function that converts the credit card information entered by the user into a token (a different character string) before making a payment. merchants can make payments without touching the credit card information, which means they can achieve Non-retention of credit card information.

How does the one-time token system work?

By incorporating the JavaScript for our "One-Time Token System" into merchants 's website, you can make payments without storing credit card information on merchants website.

Features of the One-Time Token System

(1) Non-retention of credit card information

These functions achieve non-retention of credit card information, meaning there is no need for merchants to comply with PCI DSS and letting merchants focus on their business.

(2) Strengthened Security Measures

Credit card information is not retained on merchants’ site, reducing the risk of data leaks and leading to stronger security measures.

(3) Freedom in Designing Payment Screens

As the payment screens are integrated into merchants’ site, they can be freely configured.
This allows payment screens to maintain your site’s look and feel, so your users can complete their payments without any feelings of discomfort.

Functions provided

The functions provided by the "One-Time Token System" are as follows:

Payment methods Credit card payment
Security options
  • ·security code
  • ・Identity authentication service (3-D Secure)

PCs, smartphones, feature phones *Devices using JavaScript-enabled browsers are eligible.

Non-retention of credit card information

Click here for more information regarding the credit card security guidelines released by the Credit Transaction Security Council.

If you are considering implementing, 
please feel free to contact us

Please contact us to download detailed information about our services and to discuss costs and implementation.