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Anti-fraud solution Forter

Service overview

"Forter" monitors transactions of about 27 trillion yen annually and provides world-class solutions that protect users globally. It is a machine learning SaaS solution that detects fraud such as credit card fraud, account hijacking and promotion abuse in online business.

We will solve the following issues of businesses related to fraud countermeasures.

  • Block good transactions to deter fraud and lose sales opportunities (eg 3-D Secure)
  • Unable to suppress fraudulent losses such as chargeback (example: slipping through rules)
  • Increased operating costs for visual checks and personalization as the company grows
  • Rule update after receiving damage, after countermeasures
  • UX decline, such as friction due to user authentication and shipping delay due to transaction suspension
  • Abuse damage caused by frequent resale of products

Forter solution

The unique decision platform provides more accurate transaction decisions than traditional rule-based solutions and real-time decisions that eliminate the need for visual confirmation of suspicious transactions.

Increase sales by reducing losses such as chargeback and improving false positives for legitimate users

A machine learning model that utilizes a unique global identity graph and behavioral data is used to accurately determine legitimate users and fraudsters. Compared to the conventional rule (condition) -based fraud detection, the judgment accuracy is greatly improved, and false detection for legitimate users and fraudsters is improved.

Reduce operating costs such as the number of eye inspections and personalization

In principle, transaction judgment returns OK / NG in real time. By eliminating the need for visual confirmation of suspicious transactions, it is possible to reduce operating costs such as the number of eye inspections and personalization.

In addition to fraud detection at the time of payment, judgment is also provided for account takeover and resale measures

"Forter" customizes the model for each business operator, and builds a model that meets the business format and individual needs of the business operator. Judgment accuracy is improved by individual customization and reflects the individual needs of the business operator.

Currently, many online businesses are suffering from fraud and are taking measures for each. In addition, fraud and fraud are being attacked with new methods every day. "Forter" faces these issues globally, develops unique solutions by cutting-edge technology and anti-fraud experts, commits to results in a way that is close to the business operator, and supports business growth.

▶ Forter (Japanese)
▶ Forter (English)


Forter Pte Ltd

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